ISBN: 9789672392026
- PowerPoint slides
- Suggested answers
General Features
- Complies with the requirements of the Media and Information Literacy subject of the Senior High School curriculum
- Written at an accessible level for students
- Packed with illustrations and graphics for better comprehension
- Interspersed with mini-cases that portray real-life examples
- Reinforces students’ understanding through closing case studies in each chapter
- Tests students’ comprehension through end-of-chapter discussion questions
- Emphasizes important concepts through a list of concepts for review and summary at the end of each chapter
- Maria Gwenetha Ybanez Pusta is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines. She is a resident fellow of the University of Santo Thomas Research Center for Culture, Arts & the Humanities. She is also a member of the Commission on Higher Education Regional Quality Assessment Team. Her active involvement as a Board of Trustee of the Philippine Advocates for Communication Education keeps her occupied with various communication advocacies.
- Veronica L. Isla is a full-time faculty member of the University of Asia & the Pacific (UA&P) and currently the Program Director of the School of Communication’s & Media and Entertainment Management Program. Due to her strong Communication and Humanities background, she has been doing research in the fields of media and the visual arts, especially on topics where these two fields intersect. Her research interests include Media and Information Literacy, Film Studies, Creative Industries, Consumption Studies, and Media Ethics. She has presented papers in international conferences in line with most of the areas mentioned above and has published in peer-reviewed local and international journals.
Extent: 224 pp/2C